Case 93: Multidirectional Rotation of the Biopsy Needle for Better Sampling - Left Para-Aortic Retroperitoneal Node Biopsy

This 86-years old, treated earlier for endometrial carcinoma presented with lung, skeletal and nodal lesions. A biopsy of one of the retroperitoneal nodes was requested.

I have used this case to highlight how I sample different parts of the tumor by rotating the biopsy gun in different directions. This is a process I use daily in almost all biopsies, often combined with other techniques such as angulating the needle, tilting the needle or bending the needle.

Shout-out to #evacularrounds who mentioned this a few months ago, though I prefer the term multidirectional rotation to "flipping".

The video explains the rest.

The post is free till 21st June, 2022.

Updated ToC

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Region: Retroperitoneum
Age: 86
Findings: Lung, skeletal and retroperitoneal nodal lesions
Lesion Biopsied: Left para-aortic retroperitoneal node
Size of Lesion: Not relevant
Gun: 18 G Bard
No of cores: 5 for histopath and 2 for microbiology
Sedation: No
Position & Approach: Prone
Time Taken (marker to wash-out): 8 mins
Complication: None
Level of Difficulty: 2/5
Diagnosis: Metastasis from endometrial carcinoma

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