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Current Case:

A 59-years old recently treated for carcinoma rectosigmoid presented with left temporal pain and swelling.

MRI and PET/CT showed a focal lesion involving the left squamous temporal bone and the patient was referred for a biopsy.

The video describes the case and the approach with 3 other examples of different temporal bone biopsies.

Region: Skull, Temporal Bone
Age: 59
Findings: Osteolytic lesion with intra- and extracranial soft tissue
Lesion Biopsied: Left temporal bone lesion
Size of Lesion: 12.4 mm z axis
Gun: 18G BARD, 20 mm throw, short
No of cores: 4 for histopath and aspirate for microbiology and cytology
Sedation: Yes
Position & Approach: Supine
Time Taken (marker to wash-out): 12 mins
Complication: None
Level of Difficulty: 3/5
Diagnosis: Adenocarcinoma metastasis from carcinoma rectosigmoid

Table of Contents and Other Retroperitional Lesion and Nodal Biopsies

Table of Contents
Table of Contents

Previous Post:

Case 160: Biopsy of Non-Expansile Diaphyseal Long Bone Lesions
Biopsies of the narrower diaphyses of long bones for lesions that are not expansile need to be done keeping in mind the z-axis length of the lesion and the length of the tray and the thickness of the tip, etc. to ensure that adequate material is captured

Other Sites and Cases:

Case 110: The Chylothorax Conundrum
Chylothorax is often an enigma. Usually, iatrogenic, traumatic and neoplastic causes can be diagnosed with standard contrast CT scans. Other causes need lymphangiograms for definitive diagnoses.
Updated Salt and Sodium Guidelines and Research
Salt intake should be equal to or less than 1 teaspoon per day. Since we can’t control the salt in processed foods and food we don’t cook ourselves, the best way is not to add extra salt to what we eat and to use LSSS wherever we can.