Case 158: CT Guided Thyroid Biopsy - When, Why and How!

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Current Case:

A 51-years old treated for buccal carcinoma presented with a new right thyroid lesion and mediastinal nodes.

The oncologist wanted a biopsy of both, the thyroid lesion and one of the mediastinal nodes.

Since it was not possible to bring the USG machine into the CT room and since it made no sense to do two separate procedures, it was decided to do both procedures at the same time, under CT scan guidance

The video discusses the case, the approach and though USG is the preferred mode to biopsy thyroid lesions, when, why and how, CT guidance is used in select situations.
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Region: Thyroid, Infrahyoid Neck
Age: 51 yrs
Findings: Rt thyroid lesion with mediastinal nodes
Lesion Biopsied: Thyroid lesion
Size of Lesion: 20.9 mm z axis x 17.5 mm
Gun: 20G Cook, 10 mm throw
No of cores: 3 for histopath
Sedation: No
Position & Approach: Supine, straight
Time Taken (marker to wash-out): 7 mins
Complication: None
Level of Difficulty: 2/5
Diagnosis: Metastasis from buccal carcinoma

Region: Mediastinum, Prevascular Space
Age: 51
Findings: Mediastinal nodes and thyroid lesion
Lesion Biopsied: Prevascular, precaval node
Size of Lesion: 13.2 z axis x 17.2 mm
Gun: 20G Cook, 10 mm throw
No of cores: 3 for histopath
Sedation: No
Position & Approach: Supine, transcostal
Time Taken (marker to wash-out): 8 mins
Complication: None
Level of Difficulty: 4/5
Diagnosis: Metastasis from buccal carcinoma

Table of Contents and Other Chest Wall and Mediastinal Biopsies

Table of Contents
Table of Contents

Previous Post:

Case 157: Internal Mammary Node Biopsy
Internal mammary node biopsies are simple using parasternal and transcostal routes, typically in patients with Ca breast or tuberculosis.

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