Case 118: Ureteric Lesion Biopsy

This 78-years old lady presented with a right mid-ureteric lesion with proximal hydroureteronephrosis. After a failed ureteroscopy, she came for a CT guided biopsy

The video discusses the case, the approach and ureteric and retroperitoneal biopsies in general.

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Region: Ureter
Age: 78
Findings: Mid-ureteric soft tissue lesion
Lesion Biopsied: Mid ureteric lesion
Size of Lesion: 19.4 x 18.3 mm
Gun: 20 G 10 mm throw
No of cores: 5 for histopath and 1 for micro
Sedation: Yes
Position & Approach: Supine
Time Taken (marker to wash-out): 18 mins
Complication: No
Level of Difficulty: 4/5
Diagnosis: High-grade urothelial carcinoma

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