Bhavin Jankharia - 24 May 2021 Case 36: Transsternal Biopsy of a Spontaneously Regressing Mediastinal Seminomatous Germ Cell Tumor...and Eating Humble Pie
Bhavin Jankharia - 18 May 2021 Case 34: 18 mm Right Middle Lobe Subpleural Lung Nodule - Decubitus Approach
Bhavin Jankharia - 15 May 2021 Case 33: Retrocrural Mass Biopsy - The Difference Between "It Can't Be Done" and "I Can't Do It"
Bhavin Jankharia - 12 May 2021 Case 32: Subcarinal Node Biopsy - Transpleural Approach - Pre-Existing Pneumothorax
Bhavin Jankharia - 24 April 2021 Case 26: 2nd Case - Trans-Thyroid Cervical Spine Biopsy for Infectious Disciitis
Bhavin Jankharia - 21 April 2021 Case 25: Trans-Thyroid Cervical Spine Biopsy for Infective Disciitis